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outrage vs. action

I want to say this very carefully. I do not mean to inhibit my friends’ expression. I do not intend to encourage silence. Far from it. I understand that many of us are confused and afraid, enraged and lashing out.

But if we react with equal outrage, and more importantly, with equal action, to every expression this man makes, to every tweet this man types…then it will be we who are doing the normalizing. Not "the media."

WE are the media now. You and me. We are the only media that matters. As a friend of mine told me recently, “Your network is your strength.” That is true of all of us. Our strength is our ability to organize each other - not in a general, unfocused froth, but towards a specific, concrete, series of actions.

Nixon was unmade not because of a cascade of shouts against his every paranoid action but because a methodical case was built against one patently illegal transgression. He was ousted, and our country put back on the right track, not because he was a bad man, but because he committed a crime. Evidence was assembled, and presented. And he was found guilty, in the only court that matters.

Our President-elect is very, very strong. Make no mistake.

But he is wild, unpredictable, and, in all likelihood, liable to help us in our cause, and thrash himself to death, if we are able to draw first blood.

What will be the tip of our spear?

Message me, friends. If you have a plan, or a burgeoning coalition, I want to hear about it.

Spread the word. But do it right.

I am confident in saying we are being watched. History is unequivocal on this point. They come for the intellectuals first.

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